This winter holidays I spent a lot of time organizing, tying up loose ends (while discovering new ones), archiving and looking through the many corners of a digital backlog. Safe to say – it’s a mess, but being me it’s also time for revelation and realization. I had forgotten a lot about what happened about twenty years ago and perhaps the most striking discovery was how daring and full of hope everything seemed to be. If anything – I truly wish I can conjure some of that magic going forward. And I will start by developing this blog and turning it into something at least half-alive again 😉
The one place to start is the best thing on the internet: The Way Back Machine! It is the internet archive that has saved my poor lack of digital upkeep so many times already. If you haven’t seen it before – give it a spin! As for reference – this is what our research lab website looked like some 20 years ago: