When all Pieces Fall in Place

Today it finally happened. On Friday I received the final document needed to submit the thesis to print. Today I went to the printing office and handed it in. Realized that I didn’t yet got an ISBN number but that solved itself eventually by emailing a bit back and forth.

Back in Kista I had my first real blood deposit. It was quite exciting and I finally know my real blood group for the first time. It was not what I had assumed since the biology lab-experiments back in school. The needle was a bit bigger than expected so good that I’m not really afraid of doing this. I got a scratch lottery ticket, juice, nuts and sandwich, a pin the shape of a blood drop and two dozens of iron pills. Since it was my first time I had to stay under observation for ten minutes so that they could check that I was OK. The overall feeling is very positive and it matters to me to be able to help others even if it seems like the most trivial thing.

Back at the office I continued collecting data about people running at night. Suddenly I get all the answers I’m looking for and more. I have come to realize that I’m arriving at a sweet-spot where ActDresses turns into ActDresses 2.0 by turning the wheel around so that technology makes people act. Perhaps a bit of Goffman, but my realization that technology empowers people in this way blows my mind. I did not expect this.

And then I just discovered neopixels as round LED-rings! I’m jumping up and down at the moment and cant wait to go down to the galleria and buy a few.