Calls and Proposals

We are currently working out a strategy for combining our interests in interaction design, robotics and IoT for upcoming calls. We would like to focus on the stuff and the physical context this time by mixing architecture, everyday life and emerging connected environments. Feels really good to set a more personally attuned research agenda this

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NFC and RFID Basics

Using NFC within Android development is quite easy, at least when it comes to doing basic stuff as reading an ID of a RFID tag. From SDK v.9 the NFC reader produces an intent every time the NFC is activated e.g. by reading an RFID tag. This intent can then be picked up in an

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Quick Summary

So there are quite a few things revolving right now. Tomorrow and on Friday our center will be reviewed by a number of experts so everyone is reading up on old reports and future plans. Last week we prepared a whole bunch of spreads for a forthcoming book on the topic of “Playfulness”. Last week

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Bamberg LIREC Meeting

Last week we spent some time in Bamberg – Germany for yet another LIREC meeting. I haven’t been to the last couple of meetings because of the parental leave, but the progress since last time certainly is very substantial. For instance I got acquainted with FoAM’s new software agent project GerminationX. Lovely project which reminds

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Coming back from parental leave, I suddenly found myself deeply involved in a new project called Eco-Friends. The goal is to make a demonstrator application for people to reflect upon their grocery shopping habits, and in particular products related to seasons. In our vision we will present a socially constructed framing of seasons or what

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