Here is the source for a sensor – in this case just a slider – connected to a servo, each phidget connected to plain USB.
import com.phidgets.*; import com.phidgets.event.*; InterfaceKitPhidget ikp; AdvancedServoPhidget asp; float sensorVal; void setup() { size(400, 300); fill(255, 0, 0); setupServo(); setupIK(); } void draw() { readIK(); // clear the previous frame, // draw a new background of greyscale value 200 background(200); sensorVal = map (sensorVal, 0, 1000, 0, height); ellipse(width/2, sensorVal, 10, 10); println(sensorVal); try{ asp.setPosition(0, sensorVal); } catch(Exception e) { println("ERROR"); System.out.println(e); } } void readIK() { try { //First port on the sensor phidget board array sensorVal = (float)ikp.getSensorValue(0);// } catch (Exception e) { println(e.toString()); } } void setupIK() { try { ikp = new InterfaceKitPhidget(); ikp.openAny(); println("Waiting for Interface Phidget"); ikp.waitForAttachment(); println("OK ready to go"); } catch(Exception e) { println("ERROR"); System.out.println(e); } } void setupServo(){ try{ // Create & Assign the servophidget asp = new AdvancedServoPhidget(); asp.openAny(); println("Waiting for Servo Phidget"); asp.waitForAttachment(); asp.setEngaged(0, true); // if you do not see this below in the console, //your phidget is not connected println("OK ready to go"); } catch(Exception e){ println("ERROR"); System.out.println(e); } }